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Deye Hybrid Angebote Deye Zubehör Produkte
No, you should never connect the MPPTs in parallel.
This is probably the latest available Modbus protocol document... v105.3. It should cover all 3phase LV and HV inverters. SUN-15-20k-SG05LP3 line ...
Most probably it does nothing. Because it is just a option in display firmware, but not linked to anything on the main inverter firmware. You can te...
With just 7 modules in series your voltages will be very low. That will reduce performance especially in low light conditions, inverter will start t...
Optimizers will not run optimally without some sort of "global MPPT scan" or "shadow management". I had optimizers installed on my strings before th...
Ask Deye to install firmware "F150" on your inverter. I have it on mine since 2 weeks, and MPPT behavior is much better than before. With this f...
I don't believe it is available for download anywhere. It could be a "beta" firmware. After a few more days, it seems that MPPT algorithm is l...
I contacted Deye support because of the MPPT issue that I noticed on my system under shading conditions. Old FW never dropped MPPT voltage below 70%...
Yes, that is normal.
So there are some new options available in the "F150" firmware for 3-phase LV inverters. I can set MPPT_scan ON or OFF in the Advanced settings 3 ...
Anybody seen this version yet on a SUN-12k-SG04LP3-EU? Updated today by Deye
If you manually charge indivitual BOS-G pack you have to charge it up to ~57V max. Each pack is 16S LFP configuration, and max voltage of each cell ...
No you can't. You will need a power supply that is capable of outputting at least 60V to charge individual battery packs.
Funny thing happened a few days ago while testing Deye SUN-XL02-B optimizers.Due to snow cover, one of the Deye optimizers in the string did not wake ...
West - East strings in parallel will work completely fine, as long as you don't have any shading, this is easy task for any MPPT. If you have shadin...