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sun-10k-sg01hp3-eu-am2 Working Mode One phase overvoltage

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Hi, I speak only english or polish, maybe someone can help me.

I have sun-10k-sg01hp3-eu-am2 from few days with Corab Encor 10kwh battery.

Everything is OK but...

The problem is with working mode see below maybe someone can help me ... Deye support seems not to know what I want 🙂

1. No batteries connected
 a) From solar panels I have 3000W
      L1 = - 1000W (to grid)
      L2 = - 1000W (to grid)
      L3 = - 1000W (to grid)
It's OK behaviour is good
2) Batteries connected
 a) With "Time of Use" Unchecked
      From solar panels I have 3000W
      L1 = - 1000W (to grid)
      L2 = - 1000W (to grid)
      L3 = - 1000W (to grid)
     Battery is loaded but not used when sun goes down.
 b) With "Time of Use" Checked
      From solar panels I have 3000W
      L1 = + 1000W (from grid)
      L2 = + 500W (some load from solar panels)
      L3 = - 2500W (to grid)
     Battery is loaded and used when sun goes down, but from battery te same sytuation Only L3 phase goes  in minus another two taking from the grid
    This behaviour is causing overvoltage one one phase, and inverter goes offgrid.
About 7pm I'm checking "Time of Use" to works on batteries, and about 8-9 am I'm unchecking it to get normal functioning.
It shoul always work the same if I got 3000W from solar panels it should give L1 1000W L2 1000W L3 1000W.

(@Anonym 237)
Alter PV Hase Gast
Mitglied seit: Vor 1 Jahr
Beiträge: 849

Bitte überprüfe den Neutralleiter. 

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Can You explain ? If using without "Time of Use" checked I got all OK ... when I check it I got something weird....

From PV Panels and battery I got not symmetric power pushing from inverter I don't use Load output ... only grid.

I got 2meters of cable between inverter and main electric box.


I've got


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Beiträge: 3

I have manage to solve my problem with deye support...

Stupid thing meter was OK but inverter had L2 and L3 phases changed wrong cabling.. now everything works OK
