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Battery on both inverters connected?
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Eigene komplett autarke Inselanlage, Deye 10kW & 12kW, 52,4kWh Pylontech Akku, 40kVa Generator, eigene Wasserversorgung, eigene biologische Kläranlage.... OffGrid Guru
H2 Langzeitspeicher im Testbetrieb mit 1MWh
Are you sure that the phases are not reversed?
With two black and one brown phase, this unfortunately happens very quickly
i think so too. he should measure it again
or the neutral conductor is connected between load and grid. Island mode should be activated
Für Notfälle per WhatsApp gerne vorab schriftlich melden: 0176-35149813
Anfrage/Angebote/Verkauf sales@offgrid-revolution.com
Eigene komplett autarke Inselanlage, Deye 10kW & 12kW, 52,4kWh Pylontech Akku, 40kVa Generator, eigene Wasserversorgung, eigene biologische Kläranlage.... OffGrid Guru
H2 Langzeitspeicher im Testbetrieb mit 1MWh
@deye-guru yes Battery on both inverters connected
How ist the CAN Connection between Master and Slave?
Parallel_A to Parallel_A (IMHO correct)
Parallel_A to Parallel_B (IMHO wrong)
aber jeder wie er will.
How ist the CAN Connection between Master and Slave?
Parallel_A to Parallel_A (IMHO correct)
Parallel_A to Parallel_B (IMHO wrong)
Parallel_A to Parallel_A (IMHO correct)
btw: firmware 1044 depends on HMI C042 or higher according to how deye shipped their firmwares... (you have C037)
Momentan ist keine ungetestete, aktuellere Version verfügbar.
Info vom DEYE-Support vom 02.04.2024: Aktuelle FW ist immer noch die C037 + 1144
then try the wrong way.. nothing to lose..
I would really check the Voltage between Grid (R) Master and Grid (R) Slave, and between Grid (S) Master and Grid (S) Slave
and beween the Neutral and the same between Load Master and Load Slave
should be always ZERO!
and switching OFF both machines for ten minutes and then starting up the the master first.
aber jeder wie er will.
Würde der Deye dann nicht meckern ?Are you sure that the phases are not reversed?
With two black and one brown phase, this unfortunately happens very quickly
Vorallem, warum funktionierte es mit EINEM wunderbar und mit Zweien jetzt nicht ?
Wenn bei Einem WR die Phasen aus Versehen verdreht zum Zweiten WR sind, dann schreit der doch auch sofort ?
tomorrow specialist will come and check once again all connections - I will inform about results
thanks to all
tomorrow specialist will come and check once again all connections - I will inform about results
thanks to all
so, today specialist checked ALL connections - everything is ok
my question is - is it possible once again update firmware on both inverters? may be downgrade firmware?
because there is a suspicion that this is all due to the firmware bug or updating firmware was bad